Last year I was recognised for my efforts, by being selected as one of 9 women for the 'I Am Reindeer' 2017 campaign, recognising women who have brought magic to the industry.

Below are a few of the campaigns and events I was integral in.
International Womens Day 2017
Over the year, SHesays has gathered a huge amount of advice and wisdom from leading ladies in the industry. I decided it was worth celebrating and sharing this as part of IWD 2017, so I designed a set of social posts, using the hashtag #BeBoldForChange. I asked the community's 7000 strong membership to change their profile picture on Facebook for the week in support.
The campaign saw a wide reach across Shesays social channels, Instagram, Twitter and Linkedin.

Eurobest Festival of Creativity 2014
In 2014 I led a team of Shesays UK speakers at Eurobest Festival of Creativity in Helsinki. We ran a series of provocative of talks and workshops highlighting the importance of equality in the workplace, addressing the ongoing issue of the gender imbalance at the top of the design and advertising industry.

I then brought the talks back to London for a showcase and open discussion at Saatchi's: